Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 9 - Our Lady of Clean Waves

Check out this next piece dubbed "The Surf Mom" by the guys at SurfySurfy. A few weeks ago, in broad daylight, a group of rogue guerrilla artists put this next piece up under the trestle down in Encinitas. Its a quite amazing rendition on Our Mother of Guadeloupe, and I have to say, quite possibly my favorite.

"Quick estimated the piece cost at least $1,000 in raw materials and 100 hours of labor." A pretty amazing feat for a lightning strike, blitzkrieg mosaicing, while wearing fake construction outfits to boot. Too bad this will eventually ripped down, despite how thoughtful and beautiful it is. Kudos to the guys who pulled this off. The only question I have, is why the booties? You guys have warm water down south!

The complete story by the San Deigo Tribune here.

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